2004 - 2008 Heriot-Watt University(英国),哲学博士(物流与供应链管理)
2009 - 2011 Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen Nuremberg(德国),博士后(后访学)
2003 - 2004 Georgia Institute of Technology(美国),访问学者
1) Liu, X., Guo, Z. and Gong, Y. (2024). Proactive environmental strategy, environmental innovation and firm performance. International Journal of Technology Management (SSCI), Vol.94 No.1, pp.1-30.
2) Liu, X., Grant, D.B. and Wei, Z. (2023). Strategic initiatives and institutional conformity for low carbon supply chain integration. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (SSCI, online)
3) Sun, R., Tse, Y.K., and Liu, X.* (2023). An empirical investigation of electronic word-of- mouth: product recall and crisis response strategy in social media. Enterprise Information Systems (SCI),Vol.17 No.12, p.1619-1654. (通讯作者)
4) Liu, X., Tse, Y.K., Wang, S. and Sun,R. (2023). Unleashing the power of supply chain learning: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Operations & Production Management (SSCI),Vol.43 No.8,pp.1250-1276.
5) Tse, Y., Wang, S., Liu, X.* and Wu, C. (2022) Untangling operational performance implication of ambidextrous blockchain initiatives: An empirical investigation of Chinese manufacturers. Industrial Management & Data Systems (SSCI),Vol.123 No.2, pp.556-577. (通讯作者)
6) Liu, X., Wang, S., Yao, K. and Sun, R. (2021). Opportunistic behaviour in supply chain finance: a social media perspective on the “Noah event”. Enterprise Information Systems (SCI),Vol.15 No.10, pp.1607-1634.
7) Liu, X., Qian, C. and Wang, S. (2020). When do 3PLs initiate low-carbon supply chain integration? International Journal of Operations & Production Management (SSCI),Vol.40 No.9, pp.1367-1395.
8) Liu, X., Sun, R., Wang, S. and Wu, Y. C. (2020). The research landscape of big data: A bibliometric analysis. Library Hi Tech (SSCI), Vol.38 No.2, pp.367-384.
9) Zhi, B., Liu, X.*, Chen, J. and Jia, F. (2019).Collaborative CO2emission reduction in supply chains: an evolutionary game-theoretic study. Management Decision (SSCI), Vol. 57 No.4, pp.1087-1107. (通讯作者)
10) Liu, X.*and McKinnon, A. (2019).Practical relevance of theory-driven supply chain management research: evidence from China. International Journal of Logistics Management (SSCI),Vol. 30 No.1, pp.76-95.(本文荣获2020年度Emerald Literati Highly Commended Award)
11) Liu, X.* (2018). LRN 2016 SPECIAL - the antecedents and consequences of reduction within a supply chain collaboration orientation of CO2emissions: evidence from China, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (SSCI),Vol.21 No.2, pp.160-175.
12) Liu, X.* and McKinnon, A. (2016). Theory development in China-based supply chain management research: a literature review. International Journal of Logistics Management (SSCI), Vol.27 No.3, pp.972-1001.
13) Liu, X., Wu, Y.C. and Goh, M. (2016). Collaborative academic-industry SCM research and knowledge building. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (SSCI),Vol.19 No.1, pp.19-40.
14) 刘晓红*,郭兆坤,孙睿卿,王诗韵. 低碳供应链管理研究解构: 基于知识图谱与内容分析的诠释,中央财经大学学报,2022(10):94-108.
15) 刘晓红*,王慧.基于中欧对比视角的货运机动车尾气排放PM2.5分析研究. 环境科学学报,2019(8): 2830-2838
16) 支帮东,陈俊霖,刘晓红*.碳限额与交易机制下基于成本共担契约的两级供应链协调策略.中国管理科学,2017(7): 48-56.(通讯作者)
2. 学术论著
1) Liu, X. (2019). Environmental Sustainability in Asian Logistics and Supply Chains. Springer. ISBN:978-981-13-0450-7(本书荣获2020年度施普林格·自然(Springer Nature)“中国新发展奖(China New Development Awards)”
2) Liu, X.*,McKinnon, A. and Wei, N. (2019).An analysis of energy-related CO2emissions from China’s logistics industry in Liu, X. (eds) Environmental Sustainability in Asian Logistics and Supply Chains. Springer. ISBN: 978-981-13-0450-7.
3) 刘晓红*,韦占宇(2017)绿色供应链外部整合:作用机制及影响结果(收录于《中国供应链发展报告》中的专题篇,中国物流与采购联合会编,中国财富出版社出版)
(1) 基于中国实践的供应链管理基础理论体系建构研究(国家社会科学基金面上项目,批准号:15BGL002)(结项)
(2) 低碳经济环境下3PL的供应链整合:作用机制及影响结果(北京市自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:9162015)(结项)
(3) 基于“中国情境”的供应链管理理论发展研究(教育部人文社会科学一般项目,批准号:14YJA630034,结项,免予鉴定)
(1) 数字经济推动产业链供应链现代化水平提升的机制与对策研究(国家社会科学基金重大项目,批准号:22&ZD096, 子课题负责人)
(2) 中国循环农业供给侧改革的绿色供应链动态反馈协调机制研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:71774182)
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